Study Week Test and Prep Tips

a girl sits with her back against a wall looking at her laptop and listens to music through her headphones

Test week can be dreadful for many students. The stress of studying large amounts of information and the anxiety of possibly failing an important test can almost be too much to handle at times. It can be easy for students to feel overwhelmed during the studying process; after all, they do have to juggle the rest of their responsibilities while they study. To help you out for study week, we’ve collected some tips to make sure your study sessions are as effective as possible.


Stay Organized

Staying organized and on top of tasks is one of the best ways to reduce stress. An easy way to get into this habit is to go through your class syllabi and write down the due dates for every assignment and test. Now, you’ll always know what your next project is and when you should start working on it; no more forgetting schoolwork until the last minute! Obviously be study week, it might be too late for you to be this proactive, but you can apply the same principle to your studying: Review your test schedule for finals week and make a plan now for when you will study for each one, based on how much preparation you think you need for that particular final.

Change Locations

The human brain needs a change in pace every now and then to stay engaged. Next time you find yourself feeling restless or distracted during a study session, try moving to a different spot or going to a completely new room. You might find that the brief change was just what your brain needed to refocus itself and get back on track!

Study with a Buddy or in Groups

Studying with others is a great way to keep yourself engaged with the material. Multiple people studying the same topics together can help everyone internalize knowledge. You can even pretend to teach each other – a study method that helps all parties involved!

Don’t Cram!

If you’re like most people, you might be tempted to do bulk of your studying the night before the test and try to cram as much information in as possible. Unfortunately, that method is extremely inefficient. Instead, try breaking your study sessions up into multiple periods of about 30 minutes to an hour separated over different days with sleep in between. This helps you better memorize material and saves you from packing hours and hours of studying into a single night.

Rewrite Your Notes

Rewriting your notes by hand is an extremely effective way of studying for many. It helps your brain subconsciously memorize the information as you repeatedly write it. It may be a bit tedious, but for many learners, it’s one of the best study methods out there.

Heading Here

Don’t let test week get you down. Use these tips to your advantage and do your best, but remember that your worth transcends beyond a test score. And we’re here for you! If you feel like you need to talk to someone, same-day 30-minute phone consults are available to UA students through the Counseling Center. We’re rooting for you, and we’re confident you’ve got this!