Managing Stress During Finals

girl sitting in a chair on the quad with her laptop and water bottle

Stress is unavoidable in our everyday lives. It comes from obvious places such as work or school, and even from things that are good for us like our friends, families or significant others. Stress can be present every day; so, it’s critical to know how to manage the stress affecting us, especially during an important stretch of time like finals week! To help, we’ve worked with the Counseling Center to put together some advice on how to properly manage both positive and negative stress so you can identify what stresses you out and manage how you react to it.

Four Ways to Help Manage Stress

Identify What Makes You Stressed.

The first and most practical step to take is to identify what your stressors are and how you react to them. This is not the time to ignore stress; embrace it instead. Try to recognize what emotions you’re feeling, how fast your heart beats, how nervous you become and other factors associated with stress.

Recognize What Is Under Your Control

After you’ve identified what causes you stress, it’s time for the next step: recognizing what you can and cannot change. Maybe that change is avoiding the stressor, cutting it out of your life, taking a break from what you’re working on or simply leaving the immediate area. Sit down and figure what you can devote your time to changing.

Be Aware of Your Body’s Reaction to Stress

Another way to manage stress is to control your body’s reaction. Be aware of the physical changes your body makes when in a state of high tension. Relax your shoulders, release the tension in your muscles and slow your breathing. Many times, taking these steps to calm yourself down can help you quickly reduce stress and promote rational decision making.

Implement Healthy Responses to Stress

Investing in your physical and emotional health is another great way to manage stress levels. Exercising three to four times a week, eating healthy meals, getting enough sleep, pursuing personal goals, spending time with friends and finding a hobby you enjoy are excellent ways to keep your stress at a healthy level. Check out University Recreation for some great exercise opportunities on campus!

Heading Here

Remember that like most things related to health, you won’t be able to completely control your stress overnight. It could take days, weeks, months or even years before you discover the sweet spot that works best for your personal life. Above all else, always be patient and kind to yourself as you embark on the journey to manage your stress.