Holiday Break Travel Tips

Are traveling away from Tuscaloosa for the holidays? If so, it’s important to remember the basics of safety when traveling to best protect yourself and your belongings. Before setting off for the holidays, you should:

cars pass under a bridge with the words roll tide spray painted on the side

Are traveling away from Tuscaloosa for the holidays? If so, it’s important to remember the basics of safety when traveling to best protect yourself and your belongings. Before setting off for the holidays, you should:

  • Check the local laws of your destination
  • Identify a safe word to use with friends and/or family members in case of an emergency
  • Check the weather before packing
  • Stay aware of your surroundings
  • Have your vehicle serviced
  • Inform others privately of your plans – don’t post your travel itineraries on social media!
  • Memorize an emergency contact
  • Park your vehicle in well-lit areas and travel when well-rested
  • Do not leave a key to your residence outside. Leave it with a trusted friend instead.
  • Keep a phone charger, cash and a first aid kit in your vehicle
  • Do not leave valuables in your vehicle
  • Always keep the doors to your vehicle locked and your windows closed

We hope you keep these tips in mind as you travel. Stay safe on the road and enjoy your holiday break!

These tips are provided by the Dean of Students office.