Busting Mental Health Myths

As a campus community, we’ve made significant progress when it comes to how we view mental health and address the needs associated with it, but we still have a long way to go. Certain myths and stigmas surrounding mental health persist to this day in almost every walk of life, especially within college student communities. In the Division of Student Life, we want to challenge these stigmas and provide all UA students with the appropriate information about mental health and about the resources available to them through the Counseling Center and other campus resources to make managing and maintaining their mental health easier.

5 Common Mental Health Myths for UA Students

Myth #1

Counseling is only for people with serious mental illness.

The truth: Counseling can benefit just about anyone. Whether you’re struggling with mental health concerns or want to improve your life, counseling can provide support and help you get on track to be your best self. Students commonly seek help for concerns like anxiety and depression, but also for interpersonal struggles, change adjustment, stress management, academic struggles and identity development. Regardless of the reason, there is never a bad time to seek help at the Counseling Center if you think you need it.

Myth #2

Struggling with mental health and seeking help are signs of weakness.

The truth: Working through any type of struggle takes strength and courage. It is OK to struggle; we are only human at the end of the day! It might feel embarrassing or uncomfortable to reach out for help, but struggling alone in silence often makes it worse. Seeking support is a sign of strength and resilience, and we encourage you to embrace the resources available to you.

Myth #3:

Medication is a quick way to fix mental health struggles.

The truth: Medication can be very helpful in improving symptoms for people struggling with a mental illness, but it is not as simple as it sounds. It takes time to see results, and most people need to have their dosage or medications altered to find what works for them. Medications, especially when coupled with counseling, can be beneficial in managing symptoms and can supplement the work done in therapy to address behaviors, thoughts and emotions, but a prescription is not a magical cure (Note: The Counseling Center does NOT prescribe medications to students. Students wishing to fill a prescription through the University must do so through the Student Health Center Pharmacy).

Myth #4

It takes too long to get an appointment at the Counseling Center.

The truth: Many UA students are not interested in seeking help from the Counseling Center because of the widely spread rumor that it takes months to book an appointment; however, it doesn’t take nearly as long as people think! For the 2021-2022 academic year, the average wait time for a new appointment at the Counseling Center was only seven days. Students also always have the option for a same-day 30-minute phone consultation if they are unable to wait for an appointment or just need some quick advice during business hours. Students experiencing a mental health emergency Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., should walk-in to the Counseling Center or call 205-348-3863; students experiencing a mental health emergency outside of these times should call UAPD at 205-348-5454 and ask to speak with the on-call counselor, and they can get immediate help.

Myth #5

The Counseling Center only offers individual counseling.

The truth: The Counseling Center offers a variety of support groups for students, and all of these are at no cost. Groups are centered around certain topics and underserved populations, so regardless of your situation, there is a support group at the Counseling Center to serve your needs. They also offer Mind Matters workshops, QPR training to combat suicide, and online resources such as Togetherall that make managing your mental health confidential and convenient.

Heading Here

Caring for your mental health can feel like a difficult challenge sometimes, but it doesn’t have to be. Student Life and the Counseling Center are here to support every UA student in their times of need. If you are struggling to manage your mental health or just need to talk to someone, set up an appointment at the Counseling Center or call and ask for a same-day consultation. Every student’s first session is free, and individual counseling session are $15. Take your mental health into your hands starting today with the help of the Counseling Center. The Counseling Center is conveniently located on campus, and you can find their location and hours of operation on their website. Check out their resources today!