Study Tips

It’s time to start studying, students, because final exams are almost here! Studying can be a breeze for some or a challenge for others. Regardless of your studying habits, everyone can use some help to finish the semester strong.

The Counseling Center and University Programs are teaming up for Stress Free Days to offer you some studying tips so you can ACE those finals! Check out these super helpful tips below so you can finish this semester strong!

Don’t Cram, Make a Plan

It’s tempting to wait until the last minute to start studying, but cramming doesn’t help you learn and retain the information you need to know. Instead, try starting early and stretch your study sessions over the course of a few days. This can also help you avoid feeling burnt out or overwhelmed.

Study With a Friend

Studying with a friend can be a great way to help you internalize knowledge. You can work together to explain the information to one another, quiz each other or collaborate on an informative study guide.

Create a Productive Study Space

Find a space with no distractions where you can comfortably focus. Have a snack and water bottle close by to stay hydrated. There are numerous spots on campus to study if you don’t have a private space of your own. Study rooms are available to rent at Gorgas Library, Bruno Library, McLure Library, Rodgers Library and Hewson Hall. Additionally, the upper and lower levels of Gorgas Library are dedicated quiet spaces. Utilize these spaces to ensure you can maximize your study time!

Reward Yourself

Studying for hours upon hours can exhaust just about anyone, stay motivated by rewarding yourself throughout the process. Did you just memorize a set of flashcards? Treat yourself to your favorite snack! Did you just review a study guide for the third time? Reward yourself with a 30-minute break!

Get Enough Sleep

It’s never a good idea to pull an all-nighter when studying. It’s important to get plenty of rest, otherwise your brain can’t function at maximum capacity, and you won’t be able to study as effectively.