
We provide support and resources to our staff to ensure they are equipped to grow as professionals and promote the success of our students.

Department heads submit a monthly report to the vice president and their reporting leadership team member to keep them apprised of departmental progress, concerns and needs.

Units of the Office of the Vice President

The Office of the Vice President for Student Life offers many shared resources and centralized services through its four extension units.

Assessment and Planning

Manages data collection and program evaluation and research in order to support intentional and meaningful programming efforts within the Division of Student Life.

Business Services

Business Services provides high quality financial resource management and resources to support Student Life’s departments.

Communications and External Engagement

Connect with the Student Life communications team and learn about marketing guidelines, best practices and resources available to elevate divisional communications.

Professional Development

We seek to promote a standard of excellence by providing opportunities to share knowledge, expand our skills, provide models of cooperation and collaboration that strengthen our campus community, and stimulate new ideas.

Additional Resources and Opportunities for Staff

There are many other opportunities and resources available for Student Life staff.

911 Guide

A resource for faculty, staff, teaching assistants and graduate assistants to deal with questions and concerns related to student behavior.

REAL Tide for Staff

REAL Tide encompasses how we track transformative learning experiences outside the classroom that complement a student’s academic work.