UA’s Division of Student Life is committed to building a campus culture that encourages students to explore their passions and develop their skills both in and out of the classroom. These ideals are further supported by the hundreds of different student organizations available to students on campus. Since most of these organizations and clubs are entirely student run, it can be a challenge for students to obtain the necessary supplies for events, fundraisers, meetings or celebrations that a club has planned. To solve this problem, The SOURCE (part of Student Involvement) created the ReSOURCE Room to supply student organizations with helpful supplies they can borrow for an event – all at no cost to student groups.

UA’s Division of Student Life is committed to building a campus culture that encourages students to explore their passions and develop their skills both in and out of the classroom. These ideals are further supported by the hundreds of different student organizations available to students on campus. Since most of these organizations and clubs are entirely student run, it can be a challenge for students to obtain the necessary supplies for events, fundraisers, meetings or celebrations that a club has planned. To solve this problem, The SOURCE (part of Student Involvement) created the ReSOURCE Room to supply student organizations with helpful supplies they can borrow for an event – all at no cost to student groups.

The SOURCE and the Resource Room, both located on the third floor of The University of Alabama Student Center, operate to assist student organizations; however, Assistant Director of Student Involvement John Gilmer emphasizes that the ReSOURCE Room and its contents are largely student driven. He encourages a representative from student organizations to inform him of any upcoming events for the semester so he can ensure the room is properly equipped to help.
We’re always asking folks to let us know what they’re planning for their next event so we can work to identify what needs we can meet,” John said, “That’s one thing I’m really excited about for 2023, growing the ReSOURCE Room to give students more access to different things that can enhance their events on campus.
John Gilmer
A catalogue of items available to organizations through the room are listed here, but a few examples are a popcorn machine, tables, wagons to haul items and even a button maker.
Any student organization wishing to inform The SOURCE of upcoming events and needed supplies will need to select a representative from the organization to contact at least seven business days before any items are needed. Item reservations are processed on a first-come, first-serve basis. After a representative contacts the SOURCE, John and others on the SOURCE team will work to fulfill any reasonable request made. The representative must then simply visit The Source office (Student Center 3611) to pick up any desired equipment and return it once the event is finished. To access the ReSOURCE Room, your student organization must be in good standing with the University or renewed and currently active on campus. Frozen or inactive student organizations are not eligible to take part in the ReSOURCE Room program. If you are looking to renew or unfreeze your student organization, a representative should visit the Renew An Org page for more information. To learn how to make your organization Event Smart certified, a representative should visit the Event Smart Training page and RSVP to one of the listed training dates.