Memories From Tutwiler Hall: Karen Winston-Fox

The current Tutwiler was built in the year 1968 and has been serving women at UA for 54 years. To make way for a larger and more contemporary residence hall, it is scheduled for demolition on July 4, 2022. As a campus community, we commemorate the legacy of the historic building while awaiting the new and improved Tutwiler. To celebrate both events, we will be periodically featuring stories from past and current residents of Tutwiler Hall. Today’s memory is from Birmingham, AL native Karen Winston-Fox, who lived at Tutwiler from 1974-1976.

When I first laid eyes on that high rise dorm in the UA housing catalog in 1974, I knew that was where I wanted to reside! Beginning in the Fall of 1974, I traveled from my Birmingham home excited to move into that sky high dorm. I roomed with Gwendolyn Cunningham, a Bessemer, Alabama native. Our families were long-time friends, and my grandfather was her pastor. During our stay at Tutwiler, we shared innumerable laughs and shenanigans where we gained so many friends from places in Alabama that I never knew existed. We always enjoyed dining with friends from other dorms at Tutwiler’s dining room and loved listening to so many talented musicians “perform” in the dorm’s living room on that infamous baby grand piano! We endured midnight “raids” from the crazy fraternity boys outside the building who woke us from our sound sleep so we could hang out of the window and yell at them, warning them that the security guard was rounding the corner! I shall never forget the dreaded traipsing up and down 10 flights of stairs in our pajamas during tornado warnings, many times more than once or twice during the night. My amazing roomie Gwendolyn has since passed away far too soon, but the fond memories we shared in and out of that wonderful dorm just shy of half a century ago shall always remain to warm my heart and bring me joy. Sweet rest Gwen !!! and thanks for all the great times we had on the 10th floor of Julia Tutwiler Hall. I pen this in remembrance of her beautiful spirit and the memorable times we shared at Tutwiler Hall. Roll Tide!

Karen Winston-Fox

Share Your Memories from Tutwiler

Do you have fond memories of Tutwiler Hall? We’d love to hear from you! Additionally, to celebrate the legacy of the building, Student Life is selling exclusive memorabilia from Tutwiler, including room numbers and commemorative bricks from the historic building. Reserve yours today!