
The Division of Student Life at The University of Alabama provides intentional programs and support services designed to maximize student learning. We know that students are constantly learning beyond the classroom, and Student Life programs provide a variety of leadership and engagement opportunities that encourage students to explore their passions and develop their skills.

Who is Student Life

A pyramid with the text Transformed and Engaged Learner at the apex, Community and Belonging in the middle and Resources and Support at the bottom.

Our vision and mission (defined below) focus on developing students so they become transformed and engaged learners. This maximized learning is the crowning achievement and highest goal of Student Life. And we recognize that in order for students to achieve their greatest learning potential, they must be equipped with solid foundations providing resources and support as well as opportunities for community and belonging.

Transformed and Engaged Learners
We empower and develop students through cocurricular learning opportunities.
Community and Belonging
We foster diverse and inclusive communities where every student can find a sense of belonging.
Resources and Support
We provide resources and support to care for the whole person wellness of every student.

Student Life Departments

Office of the Vice President


We aspire to cultivate an inclusive campus culture that promotes equitable opportunities for engaged learning, holistic wellness, and student success. We will position students as stakeholders in their learning experience, preparing them to be the next generation of leaders, lifelong learners, and active citizens.


The Division of Student Life empowers and supports students in maximizing their UA learning experiences.

Values (ACE)

Values guide and direct the Division and its culture, creating a professional moral compass for the organization and its staff. These values are an internalized framework that provide shared expectations and must be practiced and modeled by staff throughout the Division.

Empathy, Respect, Civility, Character
Belonging, Connection, Collaboration
Accountability, Integrity, Innovation, Consistency, Communication

Strategic Priorities

  1. Student Learning and Development

    We are committed to providing exceptional learning and developmental opportunities that prepare students for successful careers and lifelong learning by fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity and discovery and providing innovative, experiential learning opportunities.

  2. Student Safety and Wellness Resources

    We are committed to providing comprehensive services and support that prioritize student safety and whole-person wellness and that address the unique needs of all our students, ensuring they have access to resources that enhance their overall well-being

  3. Outstanding Staff Support

    We are committed to recruiting and supporting outstanding staff by attracting and retaining top talent, providing opportunities for professional growth and development and fostering a workplace culture that values and supports all staff members.

  4. Efficient and Effective Resource Stewardship

    We are committed to stewarding resources and facilities efficiently and effectively by optimizing campus partnerships and aligning resource utilization with our strategic priorities, while still providing high-quality services to students and strengthening financial sustainability and operational efficiency.